Lesson Overview

In this unit, students will learn how to use the Map component in App Inventor. They will create a tour guide app that highlights four interesting places in their community. This app can guide visitors to these landmarks and provide information about them. Additionally, students will learn how to use the TinyDB component to store data persistently within the app.

Learning Objectives

Upon completing this unit, students will have the ability to:

  1. Design and program a location-based application using the Maps component in App Inventor.
  2. Develop an app that employs multiple screens and passes data.
  3. Show comprehension of lists and indexes by managing data with multiple lists.
  4. Utilize the TinyDB component for persistent data storage on a device.


Learning Prerequisite

Students should be familiar with the MIT App Inventor environment, know how to add UI components in the Designer, code an app, and test it using the MIT AI2 Companion or the emulator.


🔽 Latitude and Longitude



Get Lat Long from Address Convert Address to Coordinates