Learning Objectives

Upon completion of this unit, students will be able to:

  1. Use the App Inventor environment to open, update, and test an app.
  2. Identify the Designer and Blocks Editor components of the App Inventor environment.
  3. Modify code blocks and component properties to alter an app's appearance and behavior.
  4. Test and debug a project.

Lesson Plan


🔽 Review and Introduction to Lesson Hello It’s Me

  1. Review the App Inventor environment to reacquaint students with the different parts of the interface. Open App Inventor on the teacher's screen for students to see. Encourage class discussion with the following prompts: (1) Where is the layout of components made and added to? (Designer) (2) In which window do you write the blocks for your app? (Blocks Editor) (3) What changes were made to the TwoButtonGame app? (Shape and colors)
  2. You will create their own app in this lesson, using information about themselves in the app. Demonstrate the sample(sample .aia files are above.) Supplies needed for the class include your photo image file and your voice sound file. If you are unable to prepare these files, you will be provided with pre-prepared image and voice files. Alternatively, you can obtain free image and sound files from pixabay.com.

🔽 Coding Activity

This app features a button with a prepared image. When pressed, the app will play a pre-recorded your "Hello, it's me" message or another prepared sound. To get started, follow these steps. (Or refer to the Youtube link or Student Guide above.)

  1. Create a new project called "HelloItsMe"
  1. Upload the image and sound files that have been prepared, or provided files above.



  1. To create the desired user interface, drag a button and a label from the User Interface drawer. The button will allow the user to trigger an action, and the label will display the corresponding message. To play a recording, drag a player from the Media drawer. If you click and drag it in, it will appear on the screen and in the Components section. This keeps a list of the components in your app.





  1. Customize the Properties.


3️⃣ Change the image of the button to the image prepared. Click on “image”, and click on the image that you uploaded. You don't need text anymore, click text and just delete it.




Player1 doesn't have many properties since it's only there to play the desired sound. However, it's crucial to specify what sound it should play. You can find this information in the Source. The Source indicates exactly what the player should play, so let's click on it and have it play the recording of the words "Hello it's me". Now, all of the necessary properties are set up in the Designer view.


  1. Click event in the Blocks Editor.



  1. Testing: Students should test their app. You can test it out by going to "Connect" and click on the "AI Companion" to connect your mobile device using the MIT App Inventor companion app.


🔽 App Enhancements: Project sharing

Share your app code as an .aia file that can be loaded into App Inventor and remixed:



One tip! Some email systems will reject .aia files, so it is better to link to your files on an online drive.


     2️⃣ When QR code appears, scan it using the tablet. 


   3️⃣ Install the app on your device. The app will remain permanently on the devices (unless uninstalled manually).


Answer: C

Answer: C